Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection


Part of the Donald & Beverly Gerth Special Collections & University Archives, the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection supports various campus programs, anchoring the Hellenic Studies Program within the Angelo K. Tsakopoulos Hellenic Studies Center on campus, and serves as a research collection of international significance for scholars around the globe through our grant-funded Hellenic Research Fellowship Program (HRFP) inaugurated in 2012. Consisting of the holdings of the former Speros Basil Vryonis Center for the Study of Hellenism, this multidisciplinary research collection opened in the University Library in 2003 and has grown dramatically since then, currently numbering over 83,000 volumes and over 500 linear feet of personal and institutional archives. It comprises a large circulating book collection, journal holdings, electronic resources, non-print media, rare books, archival materials, art, and artifacts. With its focus on the Hellenic world, the collection encompasses all eras of Greek civilization, but boasts particular strengths in post-Classical Hellenism from Byzantium to the present across the social sciences and humanities relating to Greece, its neighboring countries, and the surrounding region, including the Hellenic diaspora worldwide. There is a broad representation of languages in the collection, with a rich assortment of primary-source materials. The collection curator, George I. Paganelis, oversees all aspects of the its development, enhances access to the collection through class orientations, specialized individual consultations, and research guides, and administers the HRFP.

Since its arrival at Sacramento State the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection has benefitted tremendously from the generosity of our donors. We invite gifts of funding and materials to help ensure the continued enhancement of the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection. Prospective donors are encouraged to contact George I. Paganelis to discuss giving options.

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