Friends of the Library
Become a member. Be a volunteer. Enjoy seminars, events, and visiting with friends.
Charles Martell Author Lecture Series Lecture Archives Friends of the Library Membership Drive
Who are the Friends?
The Friends of the Library at Sacramento State was founded in 1992 to help the University Library meet the growing and changing needs of the campus and the community. Since its founding, the Friends of the Library has:
Become a Member
Board Leadership
- President Linda J. Goff
- Vice President Michaeline Veden
- Secretary Mary Andrews
- Treasurer Sally Hitchcock
Bookends Editors
- Linda Goff
- Roz Van Auker
Board Members
- Mary Andrews
- Fred Batt
- Andrea Fiske
- Eileen Heaser
- Arthur Shattuck
- Amy Kautzman, Dean and Director, University Library
- Steven Loya, Director of Planned Giving
- Maria Ramirez, Event Coordinator and Communications Strategist, University Library
Our Mission
To support the University Library by:
- Bringing together individuals and organizations interested in the University Library
- Reaching out to the community and promoting the interests of the University Library
- Providing a forum for the University and local authors, researchers, and readers to meet and discuss their work and interests
- Raising funds to enhance the University Library
Benefits of Membership
Visit the Book Bin!
Staffed by members of the Friends who volunteer for a few hours per week, the Book Bin sells used copies of books and media in various formats. Proceeds from the Book Bin help fund the Friends annual grants program in support of library collections and services as well as general gifts to the University Library.
Spring 2025
Hours: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- Wednesday, 2/5
- Thursday, 2/6
- Wednesday, 2/19
- Thursday, 2/20
- Wednesday, 3/5
- Thursday, 3/6
- Wednesday. 3/19
- Thursday, 3/20
- Wednesday, 4/2
- Thursday, 4/3
- Wednesday, 4/16
- Thursday, 4/17
- Wednesday, 5/7
- Thursday, 5/8
- Wednesday, 5/21
- Thursday, 5/22
- Wednesday, 6/4
- Thursday, 6/5
- Wednesday, 6/18
- Thursday, 6/19
Donate to the Book Bin
Donations are accepted during regular Book Bin hours and by appointment on the last Friday of every month. Please call (916) 278-5954 to schedule an appointment
We Accept
- Hardcover and paperback books for children, teens and adults
- Contemporary and classic fiction
- Popular nonfiction such as cookbooks, biographies, history
- DVD movies
- Audio books on CD
- Music CDs
We Cannot Accept
- Books in poor condition (stained, yellowed, moldy, torn)
- Encyclopedias
- Textbooks
- Readers Digest condensed books
- Outdated reference books
- Books discarded by other libraries
- Abridged audio books
- Audio cassettes and VHS tapes
Donations can only be delivered during regular Book Bin hours or by appointment and may not be left outside the door or placed in our book drops. If you have more than two boxes of books, please call ahead to make sure we can accommodate the donation. Due to space constraints, we may need to decline donations.
Once accepted, donations are property of the Library and cannot be returned to the donor.
Charles Martell Author Lecture Series 2024/2025
Entering its 15th year, the lecture series offers the campus and Sacramento communities the opportunity to engage with authors whose work is timely and thought provoking. All lectures are free to the public and everyone is welcome to join us.
For more information or to request reasonable accommodations, please contact Maria Ramirez at at least five (5) business days in advance of the event.
Lecture Archives
- 10/8/20 – Martell Lecture: A Conversation with Sasha Abramsky
- 10/28/20 – Town & Gown: Making Sense of an Election Like No Other
- 11/17/20 – Town & Gown: Implicit Bias: Ending Systemic Racism One Decision-Maker at a Time
- 12/9/20 – Martell Lecture: Nancy Davis Kho
- 4/15/21 – Martell Lecture: Jennifer Laam
- 9/16/21 – Martell Lecture: Tamara Payne
- 10/26/21 – Martell Lecture: Pam Houston
- 2/3/22 - Martell Lecture: Kim Stanley Robinson
- 4/14/22 - Martell Lecture: Nancy Econome
- 9/22/2022 – Martell Lecture: Lorena V. Márquez
- 10/27/2022 – Martell Lecture: Terri Castaneda
- 2/16/2023 – Martell Lecture: Lee E. Hollingsworth
- 4/25/2023 – Martell Lecture: Jamil Jan Kochai
- 10/5/2023 – Martell Lecture: Mary A. Helmich
- 11/9/2023 – Martell Lecture: Reyna Grande
- 4/2/2024 – Martell Lecture: Allison Gilbert