Food for Your CV

CV contest

The University Library needs your CV for Sac State Scholars, our new faculty profile database. We are holding one drawing for every 20 CVs we receive for lunch for two at Engrained Restaurant, the restaurant in the student union. It’s so simple! Just submit your CV between now and March 31st and you’ll be entered into a drawing for lunch for two (no alcohol) at a time and date of your choosing, Spring Semester 2022.

In addition, the first three departments to submit 80% of their faculty’s CVs (tenured, tenure-track, and 0.5 adjuncts with a three-year contract) will receive their choice of:

  • Coffee, tea, and bagels or cookies & fruit at a faculty meeting
  • Pizza for a student group (up to 25 students)

If you have already submitted your CV, you will automatically be entered into the drawing.

Deadline for the departmental contest has been extended to the end of the Spring 2022 semester.

Submit Your CV to Enter

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