Sac State Scholars Faculty Submission Form

Sac State Scholars is a research management system, networking tool, and Institutional Repository (IR) managed by the University Library. It showcases faculty research and creative work, helps faculty find potential campus collaborators across disciplines, and enables external parties to identify subject experts on our campus.

Sac State Scholars is open to tenured and tenure-track faculty, lecturers with a three-year appointment (minimum 0.5 FTE), and MPPs. If you would like to participate, please upload or provide a link to your most recent CV below. Your CV will only be accessible to library staff and student employees.

For more information about Sac State Scholars, visit the FAQ.

Note: You only need to submit this form and your CV once. If you have changes or updates to make after submitting, please consult the FAQ or email

The minimum requirement for a Sac State Scholars profile is a three-year appointment and preferably at least a 0.5 FTE teaching load. If you would like to discuss this or request an exception, please email

Submission Details

Upload requirements
Upload requirements
Are you willing to be contacted by media outlets to comment on your areas of expertise?