Academic Publishing
Campus Journal and Publication Hosting
The University Library can help you start an online journal or help you get your existing journal into an online system that manages the editorial process. The University Library uses CSU Open Journals, a Chancellor’s Office hosted version of Open Journal Systems (OJS) to manage journals. Setup a meeting with the Publishing & Scholarship Support Team to discuss how we can help you get your journal setup.
Intellectual Property Rights and Open Access Publishing Options
Authors are granted a number of rights of ownership as soon as a work is created. These rights may be limited by contracts signed by publishers. Authors and publishers enter into contractual agreements before work is published. Copyright ownership is a factor in these agreements and can often be negotiated before the contract is signed. The University Library can advise you on intellectual property rights associated with academic publishing. We can also discuss open access publishing options and inform you about predatory publishing practices.
The Library has negotiated agreements with the following publishers that allow faculty to publish open access at no cost. Follow the links for details, or contact the Publishing & Scholarship Support Team with any questions.
- American Chemical Society
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Cambridge University Press
- Company of Biologists
- Elsevier
- Oxford University Press
Other Resources
- Sac State Library Open Access Publishing Guide
- Open Access Publishing Fund
- University Policy Manual - CSUS Policy on Copyright and Patent
- CFA Contract and Intellectual Property Rights
Contact Information
The University Library is available to meet with individual and small groups to provide information about copyright, authors' rights, and publishing agreements. The team can also provide instruction or workshops to larger campus groups as needed. Contact the Publishing & Scholarship Support Team.