The University Library contains a wide range of diverse and unique collections that can be explored below. Some archival collections may be in the process of being arranged and may take longer to access.
Featured Collections
125 narratives revealing a layered understanding of the Chicana/o movement in Northern California, specifically Sacramento.
Chronicles the Japanese American experience of immigration and settlement to the United States, WWII Internment, redress, and reparations. Includes JAAC finding aid, digital collection, monographs, serials, oral histories, audiovisual materials, and more.
Manuscripts, personal papers, and organizational records document regional and national politics, as well as the literary, community, and cultural life in the Sacramento Region.
All Collections A-Z
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Historical newspapers, journals, books, Sacramento State theses and other archival documents on microfilm and microfiche.
Audio recordings from a broad range of genres, cultures and artists. Learn about public performance rights.
Streaming databases exclusively available for students, faculty and staff. Learn about public performance rights.
Educational, documentary and Academy Award nominated films. Learn about public performance rights.