Library Use Policy & Code of Conduct
The Sacramento State University Library (Library) seeks to provide all users with:
- A welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment that promotes intellectual exploration and learning
- Access to well managed and diverse collections of library resources
- Knowledgeable and helpful staff
Maintaining a pleasant and productive environment for study and research requires that all users follow the Library Use Policy & Code of Conduct and refrain from specific abuses/offenses. The Code is applicable to all Library users and enforceable by all Library employees.
- Library Facility Use
- Library Safety and Security (User, Building, and Equipment)
- Library Collections (Use and Protection)
- Library Computer Use Policy
- Food and Drink Policy for the University Library
- Use of Bicycles and Wheeled Devices on Campus
- Minors’ Library Use
- Additional Policies in Effect
To best serve all library users and employees, certain standards and rules of library behavior have been established. Behavior becomes unacceptable when it interferes with the appropriate use of the library by others or when it could result in a safety hazard, injury, or damage to library property.
Library Facility Use
Users may not engage in disruptive activity or behavior that interferes with the ordinary use and operation of the Library:
- Commercial solicitation and sales on campus are prohibited unless prior written authorization has been obtained. 1
- Smoking is prohibited in all university buildings and leased space (including space within buildings shared with others). This prohibition shall apply to any area enclosed by the perimeter (outermost) walls of the building, including restrooms, warehouse and storage space. Atriums, balconies, stairwells, and other similar building features are to be considered "within a building.” 2
- In accordance with the campus Posting Policy 3, any posted materials in or on the library building must be approved in advance by Library Administration. The Library reserves the right to remove postings at any time.
- If it is necessary to use a cell phone or other audio devices, please leave the quiet areas and be respectful of others. Designated quiet study areas must remain quiet at all times.
- Users may not use library areas for prolonged sleeping or as living quarters.
- Users whose strong bodily odor/fragrance is a nuisance to other persons may be asked to leave the building.
- It is the policy of California State University, Sacramento (Sacramento State) to comply with all Federal and State laws and California State University policies regarding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. Sacramento State is committed to creating and sustaining an educational and working environment free from discrimination, harassment (including, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, and stalking) and Retaliation of students, staff and faculty (including those who seek such status) and third parties. All students, staff, faculty, and third parties should be aware that this University is concerned and will take action to eliminate sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. 4 Users may not interfere with another user’s work or an employee's performance of his/her duties. Such behavior includes but is not limited to verbal abuse, intimidation, sexual harassment, harassment based on race, national origin, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, or harassment of any kind.
- The Library’s facilities may be used only for ordinary library activities and activities sponsored by the Library, other programs housed in the Library, or the University. Certain facilities may be used for curriculum-related group activities, such as performances, exhibits, meetings, etc., and are subject to advanced approval by Library Administration.
Library Safety and Security (User, Building, and Equipment)
The Library employs Community Service Officers to enforce the rules and regulations in the Library Code of Conduct and in accordance with University policies. Users are responsible for their personal property at all times, and should never leave personal belongings unattended. The Library is not liable for loss or damage to personal property.
- Concealed firearms, even with a valid CCW permit, are prohibited. SB-707
- No person shall bike, roller-skate, skateboard, in-line skate, or ride upon any wheeled device in the following identified areas or in the Pedestrian Zone:
- On any designated, prohibited areas on the University campus (see Pedestrian Zone Map);
- Within any building on the University campus;
- On any stairs, ramps or landings on the University campus;
- On or within any parking facility. 5
- Possession on campus of any weapon or dangerous instrument (e.g., any type of firearms, certain knives, brass or metal knuckles, etc.) as defined in the California Penal Code, Title 5 of California Administrative Code or University Policy [is prohibited]. 6
- Animals are not allowed in the library unless they qualify as a service animal such as a guide dog.
- Users may not vandalize, deface, damage, or destroy the Library building, furniture or equipment.
- Users may not enter unauthorized areas of the Library at any time.
- Users may not enter or remain in any library facility during times when that facility is closed to the public.
- Users are required to leave the Library at closing, during emergency situations and evacuations, and whenever requested to leave by library employees or public safety personnel.
Library Collections (Use and Protection)
- Library materials, equipment, or property may not be taken from the Library without proper checkout or authorization. Library materials must be returned on or before the expiration of the loan period or upon request by the Library.
- Library materials may not be removed from their proper location and concealed within the Library for the exclusive use of individuals or groups.
- Library materials must not be mutilated, defaced, or damaged in any way.
- Electronic resources licensed by the Library are for noncommercial use by faculty, staff, students and on-site users, for educational or research purposes only. Additional restrictions may apply to on-site users of certain databases. The terms and conditions of the agreements with the vendors and publishers of these electronic resources regulate the use of these resources. These conditions include, but are not limited to, restrictions on copying, downloading, republishing, altering, redistributing and reselling the information contained therein. Fee-for-service providers may not copy and resell texts from licensed sources to non-subscribing individuals, institutions or organizations.
- Users must observe applicable intellectual property laws, including United States copyright laws.
Library Computer Use Policy
Use of library computers is governed by the University Computing and Telecommunications Security Policy and the following Library Computer and Network Policy.
The Library’s primary function is to support teaching, learning, and research for faculty, students, and staff; members of the public are also welcome to use the Library for research, scholarly activities and attend university-sponsored events.
Access to computer resources in the library is a privilege, not a right. The library will provide designated computers available for guest users for research purposes. Use of these computers is limited to two hours per day. Users are required to provide a Government-issued ID and register to use these computers. Productivity, statistical, and multimedia software are not available to guests due to licensing restrictions.
Users are welcome to bring their own laptops and use the Sacramento State wireless guest access. Check campus wireless access information for details.
Electronic resources available through the Sacramento State University library are licensed by the University for Noncommercial Use by Sacramento State University faculty, staff, students and on-site users, for educational or research purposes only. Additional restrictions may apply to on-site users of certain databases. The terms and conditions of agreements with the vendors and publishers of these electronic resources regulate the use of these resources. These conditions include, but are not limited to, restrictions on copying, republishing, altering, redistributing, and reselling the information contained therein. Fee-for-service providers may not copy and resell texts from licensed sources to non-subscribing individuals, institutions or organizations.
Failure to comply with the terms of this policy may result in forfeiture of access to the Sacramento State University Library and its resources.
Food and Drink Policy for the University Library
It is the policy of the Library to maintain an environment appropriate for the protection of library materials and conducive to study in all library locations.
Consumption of permitted food and drink is allowed in public areas if these items are consumed responsibly.
We ask you to adhere to the following Food & Drink guidelines:
- Foods such as snacks are permitted. No foods allowed that may disturb others (loud crunch, packaging, or with distracting aromas).
- No group meals or alcoholic beverages are permitted in public areas, except for University sponsored special events.
- Covered drinks in closed containers are permitted on all floors. However, food and drink are not permitted while using library computers and/or other equipment.
- Food and drink served at special events is permissible in program rooms such as the Tea Room, Center for Teaching and Learning, Special Collections & University Archives, Art Gallery, etc.
Library users must:
- Immediately report spills to library employees.
- Wipe up accidents and dispose of trash and recyclables in appropriate containers.
The Library reserves the right to ask any patron to remove food and/or beverage from the Library based on this policy. In addition, failure to comply with posted restrictions or staff instructions regarding the consumption of food and beverages constitutes a violation of the Library Use & Code of Conduct Policy.
Use of Bicycles and Wheeled Devices on Campus
Sacramento State students, faculty, staff, and visitors shall not use wheeled devices in the University Library, as per CSUS Policy ADM-0175:
- Exceptions include assistive devices used by people with disabilities and strollers for children.
- Skateboards and collapsible scooters may be carried into the Library if they can be stored under the patron’s seat and do not block aisles or hallways.
- All bicycles must be secured on approved bicycle racks; away from doors, tables, rails, and book drops. Improperly secured bicycles may be removed.
- Carts, large bags, bags on wheels, backpacks, or collections of bags that are in excess of 24” x 16” x 10” are prohibited unless they are being used in support of CSUS business.
Minors’ Library Use
Minors age 12 or younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or adult at all times. Parents are responsible for minors’ use of the Library and their access to electronic resources.
Additional Policies in Effect
The Library Use & Code of Conduct Policy supplements University policies and federal, state and local laws. The Library also upholds and enforces the following policies:
California State University, Sacramento:
- Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures
- Lodging and Camping on Campus
- Service Animals on Campus and Animals on Campus
- Smoking
- Student Conduct Code
- Sacramento State Information Security Policy
- Use of Bicycles and Wheeled Devices on Campus
- Violence in the Workplace
- Systemwide Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Sexual Misconduct, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Stalking against Employees and Third Parties (Executive Order 1095, 1096, 1097)
- CSUS University Policy Manual. Commercial Solicitations and Sales on Campus, Section A. UMC02325.htm
- Ibid. Smoking Section 1. ADM-0101
- Student Activity Planning and University Policies. Posting Policy.
- California State University, Executive Order 1095, 1096, 1097.
- Ibid. Use of Bicycles and Wheeled Devices on Campus. ADM-0157
- Ibid. Violence in the Workplace. UMV19020.htm