Course Books at the Library - Spring
Use the search below to find required and recommended course books and ebooks owned by the Library and other CSUs. For a complete list of books and media on reserve at in the Library, search Course Reserves.
Last Updated: 12/16/2024
Course Number | Course Name | Instructor | Status | Type | Title / Author |
SWRK 110 | Stat+Research Soc Workers | Lee, Serge | Required | Book | Statistics for Social Work with SPSS / Lee |
SWRK 110 | Stat+Research Soc Workers | Nam, Kisun | Required | Book | How to Use SPSS / Cronk |
SWRK 110 | Stat+Research Soc Workers | Nam, Kisun | Required | Book | Statistics for Social Workers / Weinbach |
SWRK 111 | Intr Rsrch Meth+Prog Eval | Dinis, Maria C | Required | Book | Conceptual & Practical Research & Statistics for S / Yuen |
SWRK 111 | Intr Rsrch Meth+Prog Eval | Dinis, Maria C | Required | Book | Research Methods for Generalist Social Work / Marlow |
SWRK 111 | Intr Rsrch Meth+Prog Eval | Nam, Kisun | Required | Book | Essen Research Methods for Social Work / Rubin |
SWRK 118 | Chemical Dependency+SW | Blake, Gretchen F | Required | Book | Buzzed / Kuhn |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Constante, David | Required | Book | Essen of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Constante, David | Required | E-Book | Essentials of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Weber, Diane E | Required | Book | Essen of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Weber, Diane E | Required | E-Book | Essentials of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Coppedge, Kalyn | Required | Book | Essen of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 125B | Human Behavior Soc Envir | Coppedge, Kalyn | Required | E-Book | Essentials of Human Behavior / Hutchison |
SWRK 129 | Human Sexual SW Perspectv | Woodford, Heather E | Required | Book | Come As You Are: Revised & Updated / Nagoski |
SWRK 129 | Human Sexual SW Perspectv | Woodford, Heather E | Required | Book | Sex Matters / Stombler |
SWRK 132 | Social Work and Spirituality | Constante, David | Required | Book | Legacy of the Heart / Muller |
SWRK 132 | Social Work and Spirituality | Constante, David | Required | E-Book | The Zen of Helping / Bein |
SWRK 132 | Social Work and Spirituality | Constante, David | Required | Book | Zen of Helping / Bein |
SWRK 136 | Poverty+Homelessness Amer | Coppedge, Kalyn | Required | Book | Sum of Us / McGhee |
SWRK 137 | Child+Law | Kubiak, Marian E | Required | Book | Children & the Law in a Nutshell / Abrams |