The U.S. Government’s philosophy and practice from its inception is that the information it produces belongs to the public. Every day it produces executive, congressional, and judicial documents. They include a variety of types of materials (reports, maps, pamphlets, etc.), on various topics, and in various formats (print and digital). Congress established the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) (44 U.S.C. § 19) in 1813 that the Government Publishing Office (GPO) administers.
GPO approved Sacramento State’s request to be a FDLP library in 1963 for Congressional District 3 and designated it Depository Library 55A. The attached letters represent our plan for becoming a depository. Sacramento residents are fortunate that the California State Library, California’s Regional Depository located across from the State Capitol, has received a copy of each government document distributed since 1895.
Congressman John E. Moss represented congressional district 3 from 1953 until he retired in 1978. He authored the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552, enacted as of July 5, 1967. The law requires disclosure of information that the government hasn’t released. Businesses, law firms, journalists, and individuals are the most common users of the law.
Congressman Robert T. Matsui succeeded Representative Moss and served from January 3, 1979 to his death on January 1, 2005. In 1988, he was instrumental in passing the Japanese American Redress Act (HR 442) through Congress that provided monetary compensation of $20,000 and a formal governmental apology for the World War II internment of Japanese Americans. Also, he played a significant role in having Manzanar, the internment camp, designated as a National Historical Site, and assisted in securing land on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. for the National Japanese American Memorial To Patriotism During World War II.
Congresswoman Doris Matsui, from 2005 represents congressional district 7 (redistricted from the 3rd, 5th, 6th districts).
Since 1963, the Library has collected U.S. government documents in various formats: print, microfiche, CD/DVDs, and online to support its primary users of students, faculty, staff, and the public.

Government documents are accessible through ONESEARCH, the Library’s catalog/discovery product.
The Library creates Research Guides to empower users to learn how to find government information.
The Library’s employees have proudly served the information needs as an FDLP library for the Sacramento area for 60 years.