OpenStax Textbooks

OpenStax Textbooks

Join us on Sept. 25, 2024, from 11 AM to 12 PM in the Faculty Seminar Room (LIB 1522) or via Zoom for a session with David Harris, Editor in Chief of OpenStax. Learn how free OpenStax textbooks can enhance your teaching in introductory courses across multiple disciplines. OpenStax textbooks are peer-reviewed, integrate easily with Canvas, and offer significant cost savings for students. Discover how adopting OpenStax can help Sac State move toward a Zero or Low Textbook Cost institution. A Q&A will follow the presentation to explore how these resources can be tailored to your courses. Hosted by Sac State University Library and the Center for Teaching & Learning. For more information, contact

Date: Sept. 25, 2024
Time: 11 AM to 12 PM
Location: Faculty Seminar Room (Library 1522)