Sac State Scholars


An institutional repository and faculty profile system, Sac State Scholars hosts, preserves, and celebrates Sac State's scholarly and creative output. It highlights areas of expertise and helps connect our community with potential partners and collaborators.

What can be posted in Sac State Scholars?

  • Graduate theses, dissertations, and culminating projects (ETDs)
  • Exemplary undergraduate student work
  • Faculty scholarly publications and creative work
  • Pre- or post-print journal articles as permitted by copyright
  • Original data sets with metadata
  • Working papers and technical reports
  • Learning objects and tutorials
  • Grant applications and reports

How do I contribute to Sac State Scholars?

Author Responsibility: Making Your File Accessible

The California State University system requires that anything on a CSU website be accessible (508 compliant). This means that a user accessing content on Sac State Scholars via a web browser is able to read the content with a screen reader or other assistive computer technologies. The Sacramento State University Library abides by the CSU directive to provide content that can be viewed and read on a screen reader or assistive device. Note our distribution agreement for Sac State Scholars where compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act is required. All authors must follow standards for 508 compliance when submitting to Sac State Scholars.

Need information about making a document accessible?

To learn more about making your submission accessible/508 compliant, please visit our Accessibility LibGuide or email